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Monday, January 17, 2011

The Song of Sparrows

Yesterday, i went out for a movie with my best buddy. Girls Day Out! We have a limited time, my mother won't let me to go back home late again. So we have to decide which movie that will end early, not the best. Huu.. Initial planning, KHURAFAT. Failed, the movie starts at 5.25 pm. Absolutely no. The best choice we have, THE SONG OF SPARROWS directed by Majid Majidi. Cite indon agaknya ni. Looks like a horror film, so we just decide to watch this movie. Arrived at the counter, the cashier told us, it was Arab Film. Terkesima jup. So aku tanya dia, apa movie lain y paling cepat? Faster. Jawab beliau. Eh bole pulak dia main2. Aku ulang, bukan, filem apa yang paling cepat? FASTER. oooOO...ade filem nama tu rupenye.adehh... Akhirnya..

Cite arab juga jadi pilihan. Masuk je panggung yang tak boleh belah tu, sume arab kot...waaaaaa....nasibla cite ni best!

The story starts when an ostrich-rancher focuses on replacing his daughter's hearing aid, which breaks right before crucial exams, everything changes for a struggling rural family in Iran. Suddenly, he caused an ostrich to escape to the dessert. He fired, and has to find a new job. Karim motorbikes into a world alien to him - incredibly hectic Tehran, where sudden opportunities for independence, thrill and challenge him. But his honor and honesty, plus traditional authority over his inventive clan, are tested, as he stumbles among vast cultural and economic gaps between his village nestled in the desert, and a throbbing international metropolis.

Cerita ni memang banyak mengajar tentang kehidupan.Contohnya...

''The more we give, the more we get back''

and also a lot of family value...

''Even kita orang dewasa, kita tak boleh mengecilkan kebolehan anak-anak kita. Sometimes the can see what we can't. Vise Versa. Be fair. hehe''

adab jiran tertangga...

''Berkongsi kesusahan dan kegembiraan dengan jiran tertangga. Mereka sedang sendu atau tertawa? Tahukah anda? Pedulikah anda?''

also, adab dengan Tuhan...

''Jadilah insan yang bersyukur, dan percaya everythings happen for a reason''

Selalu sangat tengok cite lawak, ape kata sekali sekala tengok cerita tentang kehidupan pulak. Last sekali, aku cuma tak puas hati kenapa ostrich yang hilang tu jumpe balik lepas die kena buang kerja and ditimpa kemalangan. Sembelih itu ostrich!! hee 

Tengok la cerita ni kalau mak korang suruh balik awal ye..haha 

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