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Monday, November 5, 2012

The Important of CPR: Part I

Hai uols. Nak tau tak? Selain dari menjadi engineer berjaya kat company i (aminn), i pun Safety Floor Manager. Gempak kan bunyi dia? Haha. 

Bekerja di Twin Tower adalah satu kelebihan, tetapi jangan lupa, sebenarnya banyak juga kelemahan bangunan tinggi ni. Lagi tinggi ekau, lagi susah ekau nak turun ha den kabo kat ekau ni. KLCC Urusharta perlu memastikan pelan keselamatan efektif di kedua-dua menara Petronas ini kerana ia akan memudahkan proses menyelamatkan diri oleh semua pekerja apabila berlaku kecemasan. So, setiap floor dalam Twin Tower akan ada 4 orang floor manager yang bertugas memastikan semua aspek keselamatan ketika bekerja terjaga. Mereka juga dipertanggungjawabkan untuk membantu proses menyelamatkan diri ketika berlaku kecemasan. Bak kata bos aku, 'you will be the last person to left the floor'. Selain dari itu, kami juga diberi taklimat khas, dan kami dapat melawat Skybridge! Hm, suka tak? Suka kan. Glemer gitu. Kakaka. Batak gila.

So, last week aku dapat emel dari HSSE Department, diorang dah enrolled kan aku dalam 'CPR and First Aid Training'. Aku pun, alahai~  Busy tahap kritikal la pulak sekarang. Report nak submit blablabla tapi, pergi la jugak atas nama tanggungjawab. Hah gituuuu. :P

But actually, when I enter the class, I realized something. CPR and first aid skills is quite important and crucial even in my daily life. Accident happen everywhere, and malang pun tak berbau. So, somehow I feel grateful that I have this opportunity. I'm not attend this training for Murphy. I attend this training for myself, my family, my friends, and for people I love. 

Ok let me tell you what is what and why this is important.

What is CPR?

CPR is Cardio-Pulmonary-Resuscitation. Emm... Aku ni dulu tak belajo bio. So I'll explain in a very simple way, a human language. kikiki. CPR yang aku faham, bantuan pernafasan untuk mengekalkan pernafasan dan membantu jantung mengepam darah. Keep the brain alive!

Why CPR is so important?

Just bayangkan...
You are watching TV, when suddenly your father, or mother, or your kids, collapse. You are on vacation, your kids went swimming, suddenly there are people shouting, somebody is drowning and it is your child. You are alone with your husband, suddenly he got heart attack. You went for dinner with your friends while suddenly she/he collapse. What will you do?

You can seek for help if you are in public area, but just imagine the worse case scenario when you are the only hope. Tak naya ko?

In any case above, timing is very critical. Why? When people collapse and unconscious, they stop breathing, and their heart stop pumping blood. We called this CLINICALLY DEATH and this is reversible and temporary. People still can be save. We breath to get oxygen, and the oxygen will be transfer to the whole body and brain by blood circulation. Getting the oxygen in our body is important but the most crucial part is, the BRAIN. Kalau tangan tak dapat oxygen, tangan mati, potong tangan. Kalau otak mati, nak potong kepala? -__-' 
When the brain stop getting oxygen, the brain will die. When the brain died, the body is permanently died. CPR, helps to keep the brain alive. Thats why la it is very IMPORTANT.

How long it takes for the brain to die?

Without CPR, the brain will start to die after 4 minutes the person is unconscious. Can you wait for ambulance in 4 minutes? Kat Malaysia ni, jangan harap la. -___-'

With CPR, you can helps the person to breath, and circulate the blood to their body parts and BRAIN. At least, until the victim is conscious, or until the ambulance arrive.

Who can do CPR?

Any body can!! 

I want to share how to do CPR, but i'm afraid you will misunderstand the technique. Sebenarnya, practical CPR adalah sangat perlu untuk memastikan teknik yang betul, dan kualiti CPR yang bagus. But still, roughly it was so simple. 

Use the concept of DR CAB

D : Danger. Keep the victim away from danger to avoid you to become a second victim. When everything is clear, proceed to R.

R : Response. Tap their shoulder and ask, are you ok sir? Abang ok abang? Yang, you kenapa yang, you okay tak you okay tak??! *nangeh. wakaka. Calm down je ok. If no response, and there is no pulse, call 999 and ask for ambulance. Or if there is somebody else, ask them to call 999 and return to the victim. Scan their body, whether there is a sign of breathing or not about 10 second. If there is no sign, start C (compression) without further due.

C : Compression. Start to compress their chest. Tetapi, harus pastikan tempat yang betul. The right place is right in the middle between their nipple line. For adult, compress at least 2 inch deep, start count until 30. For kids, compress about 2 inch. For baby, compress about 4 cm. Pump hard and fast for 30 times (about 100 compressions per minute), faster that once per second. Perhatikan kedudukan tangan. Pastikan tangan lurus, 90 degree.

A : Airway. Buka salur pernafasan dengan menolak kepala ke bawah, dagu ke atas. 

B : Blow. Buat pernafasan dari mulut ke mulut sebanyak 2 kali. Pastikan dada mangsa terangkat untuk memastikan udara berjaya masuk. If not, it is because there is no airway sebab wrong technique (please reposition the head), or that is the sign of choking. (assumption kalau anda tak menyaksikan kejadian mengapa dia pengsan).

30 Compression and 2 blow is 1 cycle. Continue until 5 cycle, and check the pulse at the neck. Macam mana nak tau kat mana? Ok, pegang leher masing2. Kalau lelaki ada halkum, pergi about 1-2 inch ke kanan atau kiri leher. Kalau perempuan pun sama, tapi bukan pada halkumla. Kita dapat rasa jugakkan kan macam ada otot kat leher, so, 1-2 inch ke kiri atau ke kanan leher. Kalau salah betulkan la eh, maklumla tak blaja bio. Hehe. Kalau after 5 cycle dia still tak response, buat sampai dia sedar.

Bila kita harus berhenti?
(1) Bila mangsa sedar or
(2) Bila anda penat gila. Kalau tak ade lak orang ke2 pengsan or
(3) Bila bantuan sampai

Kalau mangsa muntah, balikkan badan dia ke arah kita, bersihkan muntah, dan sambung CPR kalau dia tak bernafas lagi. 

Penting kan? Arghhh aku jadi stress sebab semakin aku tau risiko kemalangan and cara mengatasi, semakin aku takut family aku berada dalam situasi tu. Oh my -___-''

Part II after aku tengok Adam dan Hawa yang lembab ni! haha

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